The first event to give you more time

TimeSaver Summit is the first non-digital, non-physical event, and one you can't even attend. Instead, everyone who joins will gain more time for other things.

How it works:

To save time, no registration is needed. Simply add the TimeSaver Summit invitation to your calendar, and it will be blocked between 14:00 and 17:00 on January 25. That's all you need to do — no need to show up. This way, we've gifted you with a few extra hours of blocked-out calendar time to use as you wish.

Why are we doing this?

We want to give you the Christmas present you needed but never got — more of the most precious thing: time.

We offer a solution for invoices and payments that saves time by simplifying and automating a time-consuming and less enjoyable part of daily life.

At Billogram, we've always enjoyed solving problems for our clients and their customers. Consider this a preview of what collaboration with us feels like!

So, we hope not to see you on January 25! However, please add the TimeSaver Summit to your calendar, and use the time well.

Psst... If anyone asks about the event, just say that it gave you a new perspective on the importance of time management. We hope to see you at one of our other events in the future - sign up below to not miss out!

Don't miss out in the future

We look forward to seeing you at some of our other events this spring when you have more time. Leave your details below and we will keep you posted. 

Sign up here