Easy Payments.
Quality Engagement.

Payments that pay off for both companies and their customers.

Our journey

Billogram emerged from the desire to replace outdated payment process and traditional PDF and paper invoices with new digital and interactive alternatives. We provide our clients with a digital platform for billing and payments, which streamlines customer management while improving the customer experience. Using smart technology, we help companies automate processes, leading to lower costs, increased revenue and reduced churn.

In short

From the start in 2011 Billogram has helped big and small companies offer their customers a better payment experience.

The company was founded by Jonas Suijkerbuijk and Cesar Sangchi. Today it has over 100 employees at the head office in central Stockholm.

Billogram is active in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Apart from the founders, the owners include: Rutger Arnhult, CNI Nordic, Inbox Capital, Partech, Swisscom Ventures, styrelseordförande Jesper Almkvist, Thord Wilkne and others.


We are in the midst of an exciting expansion phase and are always interested in hearing from those who think tedious invoices and tortuous payments deserve to become something better.


Jonas Suijkerbuijk


Tim Öhman Cirillo


Joanna Rydbeck

Chief of Staff

Josefine Söderqvist


Jens Ganslandt


Svante Godén

Interim CFO